Greatest Fighters of All Time

Greatest Fighters of All Time

As selected by Nat Fleischer in 1958

Nat Fleischer

 1. Stanley Ketchel

 2. Tommy Ryan

 3. Harry Greb

 4. Mickey Walker

 5. Sugar Ray Robinson

 6. Frank Klaus

 7. Billy Papke

 8. Les Darcy

 9. Mike Gibbons

10. Jeff Smith


Light Heavyweight

 1. Kid McCoy

 2. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien

 3. Jack Dillon

 4. Tommy Loughran

 5. Jack Root

 6. Battling Levinsky

 7. Georges Carpentier

 8. Tommy Gibbons

 9. Jack Delaney

10. Paul Berlenbach



 1. Jack Johnson

 2. James J. Jeffries

 3. Bob Fitzsimmons

 4. Jack Dempsey

 5. James J. Corbett

 6. Joe Louis

 7. Sam Langford

 8. Gene Tunney

 9. Max Schmeling

10. Rocky Marciano


Index | Rankings


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