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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 5 » Книги по истории бокса
Книги по истории бокса
Brady W. A. The Fighting Man. Brooklyn – New York, 1916.
Carpentier G. My Fighting Life. London – New York, 1920.
Fox R. K. The Life and Battles of Jack Johnson: Champion Pugilist of the World. New York, 1912.
Fox R. K. Life and Battles of James J. Corbett: The Champion Pugilist of the Word. New York, 1892.
Henning Fr. Fights for the Championship: The Men and Their Times. Vol. 1. London, 1902.
Henning Fr. Fights for the Championship: The Men and Their Times. Vol. 2. London, 1902.
Irvine L. H. "Our Jim”: The World’s Champion. New York – San Francisco, 1892.
Law, Rules and Regulations for the Government of Boxing in the State of Wisconsin. Madison, 1919.
Laws and Rules for the Government of Boxing in the State of New York. New York, 1916.
Miles H. D. Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing. Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1906.
Miles H. D. Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing. Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1906.
Miles H. D. Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing. Vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1906.
Naughton W. W. Heavy-Weight Champions. San Francisco, 1910.
O’Brien Ph. J., Bilik S. E. Boxing. New York – London, 1928.
Rules for Boxing, Issued by the War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities. Washington, 1918.
Sullivan J. L., Sargent D. A. Life and Reminiscences of a 19th Century Gladiator. Boston, 1892.

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